Egersund Energy Hub is a centre for training, certification, education, development and innovation in the field of On- and Offshore wind, Green Tech and Digitalization. Our focus is on renewable energy and environmental technology. Energy Innovation AS offers numerous training modules according to the Global Wind Organisation (GWO) standards ISO29990 including Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) for rescue services, industry, construction, and heavy equipment.
We are also in the development of technical courses and maintenance services for onshore and offshore winds based on the german BZEE standards and the Energy Operator Curricuclum in Norwegian Vocational education.
Energy Innovation offers big workshops for hevy lifts and component shifts of nacelles for the wind industry.
Egersund Energy Hub is located at Langholmen in Egersund, the west coast of Norway. Just one hour drive south of the international Stavanger (SVG) Airport, Sola.
The first courses started Autumn 2018. First stage of the building complex for Egersund Energy Hub was ready in November 2020.
Energy Innovation AS offers assistance in business development and innovation in energy and environmental technology. We cooperate closely with NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre) and other Norwegian and foreign research institutes. We also collaborate closely with Validé, both in Stavanger and locally through Validé Dalane.